Question 15. What kind of LC can an Employer sign with a part-time housekeeper...

Answer: 1. LC with the housekeeper Under the Labour Code, the Employer can negotiate ...
Answer: 1. LC with the housekeeper Under the Labour Code, the Employer can negotiate ...
Anwser: 1. Can a LC be made in a foreign language (e.g. English)? There is no such ...
Anwser: Pursuant to Articles 125.1 and 125.2 of the Labour Code, an Employer may impose ...
Answer: According to Article 124 of the Labour Code, there are the following forms ...
Answer: Can an Employer impose a disciplinary action on an Employee who has bad working ...
Answer: Labour laws do not force an Employee to sign a commitment with an Employer such ...
Answer: Pursuant to the Labour Code, an Employer is banned from imposing LD on any ...
Answer: In a dispute over unlawful dismissal, who is the burden of proof placed ...
Answer: Notarial translation fee Where a concerned party delivers a document and ...
Answer: According to the Civil Proceedings Code, expenses for lawyer is borne by the ...