Question 108. Is an Employee required to carry out procedures for re-issuance o...
Answer: A SI book is issued to each Employee to monitor the payment and entitlement of ...
Answer: A SI book is issued to each Employee to monitor the payment and entitlement of ...
Answer: Conditions for receiving pension retirement of an Employee Pursuant to the ...
Answer: Any Employee working under a LC or an employment contract with indefinite-term; ...
Answer: The Labour Code allows an Employee to enter into a LC with many Employers at ...
Answer: Reduction of the Employer’ payment rate into the insurance fund for labour ...
Answer: Upon encountering labour accidents, an Employee will be entitled to the regime ...
Answer: The criterion determines a job with heavy, toxic, and dangerous nature or ...
Answer: Must an Employee provide information about his or her health before signing a ...
Answer: A labour accident is one that causes injures to any body part, function, or ...
Answer: Is it mandatory for an Employer to establish a network of safety and hygiene ...